Cat Toys

Which cat toys does your cat sitter use? People show me their toy basket and complain their cats don’t play with the toys they buy. I’ve got a list of 5 toys your cats will love, but there’s a caveat. YOU have to be part of the toy experience. Sure, your cat will self-amuse some of the time, but the most fun and bonding can be had with you at the other end of that toy. Taking 5, 10, or 20 minutes a day to spend with your cat isn’t much, but it’s everything to them.. try it and watch the changes in your cat! Here are some hilarity-inducing toys you’ll both love!

Cat sitter recommends the Cat Dancer

Cat Dancer

The Cat Dancer is my most recommended cat toy. At a super-low $2-3 price-point, this toy has the ability to amuse both you and any cat that sees it – for hours. I know someone who has to hide hers in the freezer between play sessions! The slightest twitch of your hand at one end can cause it to careen around wildly on the other end. Cats can never figure out how it’s moving. Try it and let your cat show off their jumping skills! Available at Amazon and other resellers.

Cat sitter recommends Da Bird Cat Toy

Da Bird

Da Bird is one of the oldest and most loved cat toys by cat people in the know. Most people don’t know this toy exists because the Pet* Box Stores don’t carry the good toys. Get your cat really flying with this realistic bird toy, it even makes an irresistible whizzing sound! Available at Amazon and other resellers.

Cat sitter recommends Go Cat Cat Catcher

Cat Catcher

Go Cat’s Cat Catcher is one of the best toys for simulating both flying and crawling bug activity. Its magic is in the wire cable which makes for unpredictable and jerky movements guaranteed to get your cat riled up. You choose between bumblebee and mouse and let the feline frenzy begin! Available at Amazon and other retailers listed on Go Cat’s site.

Cat sitter recommends play tunnel

Cat Tunnels

Cat tunnels have come a long way since the first flimsy shredable versions came out. Now they’re a ton of fun for your cats to stalk and chase one another or their intended prey. While they enjoy the tunnels on their own, it’s a whole new game when you get involved! Get down on their level and stalk them, drop toys in the holes or tap the sides of the tunnel with a wand toy! Available basically anywhere that sells cat supplies in all shapes, designs and sizes.

Cat sitter recommends laser toy

Laser Lights

Lasers are another toy that’s been around forever, but you should be careful not to be “found out” by the cat while playing with them. Now they’re available in all sizes, colors and there are even some with stationary bases that randomly shoot out lights to entertain your cats. One complaint I hear is that the batteries die too quickly and that’s often true with the cheaper ones! I solve this problem by picking up an office laser pointer meant for presentations. Those tend to last a lot longer and as a bonus, are larger and harder to lose. Available at Amazon and other resellers.

You may see some of these toys in the pictures I send and you’ll know my secrets for happy cats. Now that you’re  home, you can replicate their experience with a new favorite toy (or 5!) from my list!